Thursday, 11 October 2012

Hello Again!

I haven't blogged in a while. I've been busy, tired and had nothing much to say. Nothing that didn't involve ranting about things that have really got on my nerves for the past few weeks. But I supposed you wouldn't want to read my rants so I bit my tongue! (Or held my fingers back from the keyboard...)

One thing I will reveal to you though, is spelling errors. Seriously. People say they're serious about their blog, and then don't even bother to proof read or spell check? I mean, the spell check is just a single button on the toolbar! How lazy can you get?! Personally, I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to grammar and spelling. It has to be right. If you're planning on speaking to God knows how many people, you don't want to look like an idiot by spelling the simplest words wrong. It just looks like you've rushed your blog and not thought about it at all. Especially when you're reviewing products and you have quite a few followers, or want said followers, they want to know you've spent your time on what you're saying. If you rush it, it's like you don't care. Why would they trust someone who isn't even bothered?

I just think people should take more pride in their writing. What ticked me off the most is that one of these people moans about other people being 'too stupid' to understand the difference between 'you're' and 'your' (yes, that makes me want to throttle the perpetrator!) but then they do it too because they can't be arsed to click one button... don't want to live on this planet any more.

In other news, I watched Snow White and the Huntsman recently. I've been refraining from watching it because of the whole news storm that surrounded Kristen Stewart whilst she was filming it. I hate her enough already and find her, overall, a terrible actress, so while I'm fuming about what she's done, I didn't think I'd be able to give the movie a fair trial. It was very important that I did seeing as Chris Hemsworth is in it, and I really really really like him ;)

Personally, it wasn't as good as I thought it would be. There were a lot of things I felt should have been done differently, especially with the characters. I think too much was forced into it, making it harder to relate to the characters and form a bond with them, which is the aim of most directors. It was brilliantly shot, I'll admit, and the effects were stunning. I loved the landscapes and the forest, it was beautiful, but it wasn't given enough time. I felt it was far too fast paced, not giving the characters enough time to bond (especially from the romantic angle, I mean I know it's a fairytale and everyone gets married after a day, but jeez)

My favourite thing about the entire movie (apart from Chris Hemsworth, who made me laugh by putting on a Scottish accent) was the Dwarves. They had an awesome cast, including Nick Frost, Ray Winstone and Bob Hoskins. I think most people will recognise every single Dwarf which is a good thing, their acting was wonderful. Unfortunately, their part was relatively small and, like the rest of the film, quick to be over.

It was quite disappointing because I thought it had so much potential. It was a pretty good idea for an adaptation of the story, and fits well with this trend of female heroines being the lead role and males being secondary. I loved Charlize Theron, her acting was by far the best. She was an amazing Queen, very intimidating. She scared me, anyway. Hemsworth played on his strengths and worked with what he had, which wasn't enough. That character, like the movie, had potential to be so much more.

The two characters that were written up the best were Snow White and the Duke's son. I can't even begin to describe how bad Stewart was - it was exactly the same as Twilight. No facial movements and an emotionless voice. Her pep talk near the end of the movie was possibly the worst I've ever heard, although it was a badly written pep talk anyway. Sam Claflin, who played William, was okay, but not great. So basically the two characters who had the most time spent on them failed pretty miserably...

My advice? Recast Snow White, possibly the Duke's son, give the Huntsman a better storyline and more time to make it believable and slow the film down a bit! It's worth more than 2 hours, possibly 2 and a half, it just needs a better director (sorry Sanders, you just spent too much time frolicking around with the lead actress than doing your job) and definitely a better script. Oh, it was painful.

For people who aren't as picky as me, you'll probably enjoy it. It's easy to get into and easy to watch. A good film to pass the time with, but anticlimactic if you've been waiting to watch it for a long time.

Overall, four stars, and that's mainly for the Dwarves.

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