Thursday, 1 November 2012

Here's to being Twenty...

Happy birthday from Google?

So it was my birthday on the 19th of October. You may have noticed, it takes me a while to drag myself to the computer and have the urge to write. I lack motivation like that. I'm much more content lazing in bed or doing absolutely nothing on the computer, or maybe playing the Sims. I like that game far too much.

Anyway, here is a selection of the presents that I got for my birthday. I also got my tattoo, which I posted about here, a very tasty and adorable cupcake cake from my boyfriend's family (I have a thing for cupcake cakes. They're so cool and pretty and taste so gooood!), some money and homemade brownies from my friend Katie. Best. Brownies. EVER. I literally could have sat there eating them instead of going out for a meal. But I didn't. I saved them for dessert ;) and I got a mixture of Thornton's chocolates from my friend Emily in a super cute panda box, which I have subsequently kept. The chocolates, however, were doomed from the moment they were discovered... has anyone discovered how much of a big fatty I am yet?

Adding to that, if you still don't agree with me, my boyfriend also bought me chocolate. But he paired it with roses so it was n'awwh! He's lovely. I like roses. (Not the Roses chocolates by the way, before you say anything!)

So above, there's a pretty little bunny necklace that's so sparkly! I love the little pink ears, definitely fell in love when I took it out the box (Thanks Emily!!), a quirky Golden Snitch bouncy ball thing that sparkles when you bounce it - a friend from work found it out when going through some stuff and thought of me. I took that as a compliment. Plus it's funky and makes me laugh, so all good there! My boyfriend's mum got me Dior - Iconic mascara, which is fabulous! I use that word sparingly, so it means something here. It feels wonderful on my lashes, not hard or clumpy at all, but soft and, weirdly, reminds me of that moisturized feeling. My lashes are also huge and volumised, which is brilliant as I may have mentioned before, I tend to pull my eyelashes out because they irritate me. I couldn't help but use it everyday because I love it so much, but I'm determined to save it for as long as possible so I use my old one for work haha.

Finally, we have The Casual Vacancy, the new novel by J.K. Rowling. This was from Katie too, she was very happy that I hadn't bought it beforehand because I was literally dying to get my hands on it. I love J.K. Rowling, so naturally, I needed this book. I've finished it now and will be writing a review soon, but I'll let you know that I really enjoyed it. It is very different to Harry Potter. It's in a completely different league and should not be associated with it in any shape or form. Please do not give this to your children or younger siblings! Seriously guys, it's not a good idea. Although, like Harry Potter, I will be giving it a further few reads so I can digest all the secrets and interpretations and subtle meanings etc etc.

In conclusion, my twentieth was pretty good! I enjoyed it, even though some plans did not come to fruition, and managed to continue to enjoy it the following weekend. As of yet, I don't feel any change, except that I am planning to open a savings account and get a credit card. Here's to being an adult!